Expert pediatric ENT diagnosis and treatment

Also called ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialists, pediatric otolaryngologists treat diseases and conditions that affect most of the senses, including your child’s ability to hear, smell, touch and taste.

Pediatric otolaryngologists also help patients with speech and communication disorders with a team of audiologists. Innovative evaluation and treatment services in a child-friendly setting help youngsters of all ages regain the function of the vital senses we depend on daily.

Schedule an appointment with a pediatric otolaryngologist

Pediatric ear, nose and throat conditions we treat

  • Tonsillitis, an inflammation of the tonsils that can cause difficulty swallowing, ear pain and other uncomfortable symptoms (A related condition involving the adenoids can cause sinus or ear infections.)
  • Balance issues, such as dizziness and ear infections, common in early childhood and treatable using medical and sometimes surgical techniques
  • Hearing loss, including the placement of cochlear implant devices to help profoundly hard-of-hearing children