Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is widespread and relatively misunderstood

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder with symptoms that include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsivity. It is typically diagnosed in children ages 6 through 12, but attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms can continue into adulthood.

Although it is widespread, the cause of the disorder is still relatively unknown. Available evidence suggests that ADHD is genetic. Many parents of children with ADHD experienced symptoms when they were younger, and it is commonly found in siblings within the same family. Low levels of dopamine (a brain chemical), which is a neurotransmitter, are found in children with ADHD, along with a lower metabolism in the areas of the brain that control attention, social judgment and movement.

Causes and types of ADHD

Despite being one of the most researched areas in child and adolescent mental health, the cause of the disorder is still unknown. Available evidence suggests that ADHD is genetic. Many parents of children with ADHD experienced symptoms of ADHD when they were younger, and it is commonly found in siblings within the same family.

There are three major types of ADHD:

  • Combined type—The most common type of ADHD, this is characterized by impulsive and hyperactive behaviors as well as inattention and distractibility.
  • Inattentive and distractible type—This is characterized predominately by inattention or distractibility without hyperactivity.
  • Impulsive/hyperactive type—The least common type of ADHD, this is characterized by impulsive and hyperactive behaviors without inattention or distractibility.

ADHD diagnosis

A key element to an ADHD diagnosis is that symptoms of ADHD must significantly impair adaptive functioning in both home and school environments.

Although symptoms of hyperactivity can begin to be present in preschoolers and are almost always apparent by the age of 7, ADHD is not just a childhood disorder. ADHD can progress into adulthood, be developed later in life or go undiagnosed until adulthood.

The three categories of symptoms of ADHD are:

  • Inattention—Short attention span for age, difficulty listening to others, difficulty attending to details, easily distracted, forgetfulness, poor study and organizational skills for age
  • Impulsivity—Interrupts others, difficulty waiting turn in school or social games, takes frequent risks—often without thinking before acting
  • Hyperactivity—Fidgets, seems to be in constant motion, difficulty remaining in his or her seat even when it is expected, talks excessively, difficulty engaging in quiet activities, loses or forgets things often, inability to stay on task

A detailed history of the child’s behavior from parents and teachers, observations of the child’s behavior and psychoeducational testing contribute to the diagnosis of ADHD.

Many of the symptoms may occur in individuals who do not have ADHD, resembling other medical conditions or behavior problems. Always consult your primary care provider for a diagnosis.

Qb testing

The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Clinic at Baylor Scott & White Clinic – Austin Northwest provides evaluation, ADHD diagnosis and treatment, including administering the Qb Test.

The Qb Test is an FDA-cleared technology for the objective measurement of hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention, as an aid in assessing ADHD.

The Qb Test measures motion and analyzes shifts in attention state to assess the core symptom areas of ADHD:

  • Hyperactivity
  • Impulsivity
  • Inattention

Test results are instantly analyzed and presented in a report that compares a patient’s results with a group of people of the same age and gender who do not have ADHD.

The test can also quantify the severity of brain function deficits associated with controlling motion and sustaining attention. The results are objective and allow the patient, parent and physician to see the progress when treatment is working and help to guide decisions about how to optimize the ADHD treatment plan for each individual.

The test takes 15—20 minutes depending on the age of the person being tested.

Call 512.336.3400 to schedule an evaluation

ADHD treatment

If not treated appropriately, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder can lead to school failure, failure with employment and difficulty with interpersonal relationships.

When establishing a treatment for confirmed ADHD, it is important to work closely with your primary care provider on an option that is best for you or your child’s needs. Major components of ADHD treatment for children include parental support and education in behavioral training, appropriate school placement and medication.

About half of all children with ADHD have another condition, such as learning disorder, dyslexia or mood disorder. If this is the case with your child, your doctor will develop a plan to help you treat those symptoms as well.

  • ADHD medication

    ADHD medications are used to balance chemicals in the brain that prohibit the individual from maintaining attention and controlling impulses. These ADHD medications help stimulate the brain to focus and may be used to reduce the major characteristics of ADHD.

    Examples of psychostimulant ADHD medications include:

    • Methylphenidate (Ritalin, Metadate, Concerta, Methylin)
    • Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine, Dextrostat)
    • A mixture of amphetamine salts (Adderall)
    • Atomoxetine (Strattera). A nonstimulant SNRI (selective serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) medication with benefits for related mood symptoms. 
    • Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse)

    Antidepressant medications may also be administered for children and adolescents with ADHD to help improve attention while decreasing aggression, anxiety or depression.

  • Behavioral management

    Classes in behavior management skills for parents can help reduce stress for all family members and are often done in a group setting, which encourages parent-to-parent support. Additionally, teachers may learn behavior management skills to use in the classroom setting and to communicate in-school behaviors to parents.

    These methods tend to improve targeted behaviors but are usually not helpful in reducing overall inattention, hyperactivity or impulsivity.